Museum of Greek Folk Art (Panos Str. Building)
- Written byHelen Tragea
- Published in Ethnographic & Folklore
- Read 7434 times
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Wandering in the narrow old streets of Plaka the visitor might discover one of the smaller departments of the Greek Folk Art museum. An old house of beginning of the 19th century holds a collection of tools and artifacts of the everyday life in Greece in the Pre –Industrial era. The building was taken by the ministry of Culture and Tourism in 1981. Its’ interior is turned into exhibition areas while its’ exterior is restored to its’ initial form
In this two-storey building the visitor will be able to see old farm and wine making tools. There also the tools of various handcrafters. One can find the tools of the shoe- maker, of the barrel maker, of the carpenter, of the smith and so on. Tables explain thoroughly how all these tools were used. Every-day objects are also presented. A tool used to create pasta, and another cylindrical metal object that was used to iron the skirt of the traditional Greek costume (foustanela) is some of the most interesting examples.
In the last room there are pictures and written testimonies on the way people lived at that time.
The building at the Panos Str. has been transformed into a small but an interesting museum that offers an insight in the living conditions and the social structure of Greece in the beginning of the 19th century.
- Address: 22 Panos, 10555 Athens
- Admission: 2 €
- Schedule: Tuesday to Sunday: 09.00 – 14.30 Monday: Closed
- E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Phone: (+30) 210-3214972
- Internet Page: