Projects and Programs of Materialization
15FEB13 - 11MAR13
CAMP Contemporary Art Meeting Point, Athens. This exhibition is presented by its curator in conjunction with the first group exhibition he had organized back in 1976 at the Athens Gallery, entitled Processes/Systems (Opy Zouni, Michalis Katzourakis, Yiannis Michas, Yiannis Bouteas, Bia Davou, Pandelis Xagoraris, Nausica Pastra).
The idea for that exhibition was that artistic work consists in the whole of the processes that it is made of and that it is not simply characterized by its last, apparent and definitive, visual conclusion.
This exhibition completes the reasoning of the first exhibition with an additional constituent question: how much do the materialization of intentions identify with the intent for them not to fall short as to the intention or not to be redundant as to the intention - in the end, how much does what finally happens actually correspond to what was intended to happen or to what is said about what happens?
In contradiction to the extroversion of postmodernist theories, this exhibition's curator returns to the initial and in itself ontological composition of artistic expression: the relation of a look with a world it aspires to determine.
Participating artists: Yiannis Andreou, Ioanna Assani, Yiannis Bouteas, Sofia Galanou, Ioanna Gouma, Takis Kaldis, Maro Karagounaki, Yiorgos Lazongas, Efsevia Michailidou, Maria Xenouli, Ilias Papaïliakis, Rena Papaspyrou, Xenis Sachinis, Angelos Skourtis, Varvara Spyrouli, Yiorgos Tsakiris.
Curator, Texts: Emmanuel Mavrommatis
Monday-Sunday: 14.00-21.00
Free admission