Domenikos Theotokopoulos between Venice and Rome
The exhibition is organized on the occasion of the quatercentenary of Domenikos Theotokopoulos’ death, focused on the two panels of the painter’s Italian period which are kept in Heraklion.
These are The Baptism of Christ, which belongs to the Municipality of Heraklion, and the View of Mt Sinai and the Monastery of St Catherine, which was purchased by Andreas & Maria Kalokairinou Foundation in 1991.
The exhibition has been presented at the Historical Museum of Crete (21/06- 25/10/2014).
The exhibition at the Benaki Musuem will present for the first time in Greece the El Greco's painting "A Boy Blowing a candle" from the Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte in Naples.
The exhibition investigates the artist’s first steps in the West, during his stay in Venice and through the early stages of his residence in Rome (1567-1574). With the help of paintings, engravings and manuscripts, visitors will be able to follow the blossoming art of the ambitious and defiant Cretan in the important artistic centres of post-Renaissance Italy. >
Due to an increased interest in the exhibition, organised tours or group visits of over 10 people have to be programmed in collaboration with the Benaki Museum.
Max. number of people in each group: 20
For bookings and information, please contact mrs. Efi Bertsia on 210 3671015, Monday- Thursday, 10.00 – 15.00 and on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For SCHOOL GROUPS information-reservations: Department of Educational Programmes, Monday-Thursday, 10:00-14:00, T 210 3671067-69
€ 5, € 3
Organization: Benaki Museum & Historical Museum of Crete
More info: Benaki Museum (Pireos Street Annexe)